It's been a while! I didn't realize how long it actually HAS been... Evie was sick for a good chunk of the time between the last post and now, and she's still not sleeping well, so doing much more than what is required is asking a little much. Fortunately she's getting better, just not sleeping.... I'm tired. :)
We had FamFest at church this weekend. It was a lot of fun... the kids had a great time learning how to be helpers for mommy and daddy around the house, Evie actually had fun in the nursery (hopefully she doesn't get sick again), and me and Matthew had a great time being together without wrangling kids!
We've kept going with school... I guess out of the past month we've done three weeks worth of school. Jayden learned about Ben Franklin and Deacon Shane Drowne (she loves insects, so learning about grasshoppers was a lot of fun) Mostly they've been doing a LOT of outside time, and especially playing in and near the stream in the backyard. Oh, and she's starting multiplication... it apparently is easier than place value :)
Grace and Julianna are having fun with their school too... they are really remembering things and making connections. It's nice to hear them recall things from previous days of school.
Yesterday was the first day of spring, and it was so beautiful! We were at church most of the morning, but then we were outside pretty much the rest of the day. We ate lunch outside, played a good bit (took a break for the MSU-UNC basketball game) and we painted some wishing rocks for some good friends.... I wish I would have kept their wishes they made, but I didn't think about it. I'll have to try to remember exactly what they said....
Grace for Lela - "I wish that she have a fun time and that she be my friend"
Jayden for Laurel - "I wish that she would have a great week!"
Julianna for Liv - "Wish her a birthday cake because she like birthday cakes!!" and then she insisted I draw a birthday cake :)
They all signed their names and wrote little notes for their friends. We were going to dye eggs, but we just didn't get around to it.... sometime this next week maybe?
After that we went to the airport for a picnic supper and a great time of watching airplanes take off and land. That may sound boring, but it's really quite fun. It's really fun watching each of them see an airplane for the first time. The lone picture I'll have on this post will be of Evie's reaction to the airplanes (forgive my goofy face!) She's saying "hey people on the airplane!!" and right before this she signed 'airplane'. We had hoped for more of her face, but her hand was too wild... she was just beaming!!
Typical August weather
6 years ago