Ok, well, this morning was rainy at least. I decided to actually change our routine up a bit so as to hopefully make the screaming and fighting a little less. I separated all the children into different areas with different projects and switched every 20 minutes. I had the computer center that was pulled up to starfall.com, the pattern center in the living room that had pattern boards with little shaped blocks to follow the pattern, and the school center in the school room.
Now, we have done a wonderful job this week of staying on task with school even though there has been a lot of fighting and fussing... way too much cooped up time!
Jayden has continued to have fun with measuring, and also had review in math. She finished her Singapore 1A book this week, and will begin 1B next week. She is reading a level 3 book and doing a great job with it, and we are reading "The Trumpet of the Swan" for our fantasy book. We are focusing on the story element 'mood' right now, and she's having a lot of fun imagining the faces of the characters in the book.
In history, we are reading about how cows, horses, sheep, and pigs were brought from Holland to New Amsterdam (New York City), and because of that, our science is focusing on these animals as well. We have had two experiments this week in science; one was making ice cream and one was making cheese. We can't do the ice cream one until we go to the store because it calls for gallon size storage bags, but we made cheese this morning. The girls had a lot of fun with that, especially watching the curd separate from the whey. They all tasted the finished product, and Julianna wanted to eat some on bread. Here is a picture of the cheese spread on the bread. Mommy was not brave enough to try it. We didn't wash the whey out very well so I know it was sour.
We did not get Grace caught up last week, but she'll be caught up by the end of this week. It's hard to get her motivated to do school again after a long break. That is a good reminder for me why we school year round. Hopefully, once we get back in the habit she'll enjoy it again.
Typical August weather
6 years ago
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