We have finally started. I picked this week to "start back" at school. Of course Evie picked this week to be majorly clingy and have a fever :) So Jayden started back, Grace and Julianna had a little bit each day, and I survived!
Since Evie wasn't letting me put her down, we didn't get to do much cooking or cleaning. Jayden made bread one time, but that was it... we'll do more of that as the fall moves along!
Jayden has done a great amount of copywork, about 10 pages of math, and identified three leaves/trees from our yard. I had her pick three different leaves, do a rubbing of each one, write down the type of tree it was from along with three sentences about each one.
She also has done an acronym poem (beginner, it doesn't really make a poem) and a poem about Autumn. Here are her poems:
Apple tree
Free to fall
Hello falling leaves
Goodbye green leaves
Hello brown grass
Goodbye green grass
Hello cool
Goodbye hot sun
Hello hot fire
Goodbye air conditioner
She also finished reading the last two chapters in The Courage of Sarah Noble and I let her have a "break" in reading by just letting her read a Junie B Jones book for fun.
We are making a lapbook with the autumn/leaves theme. We will be working on this theme until about the middle of October. I'll post a picture of her lapbook when she is through with it. She still has a little fact book about leaves, alphabetical order work, some poems to memorize, and an essay to write on fall, as well as defining some vocabulary words and a few more poems to write.
It's awesome to have her begging to do school and having absolutely no complaining... I might schedule breaks for unit studies at different points in our curriculum for her....
Typical August weather
6 years ago
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