Friday, January 20, 2012

Preparing Hearts

We just finished our first week with Preparing Hearts for His Glory. We did 2 days worth of work over four days, and then today we did a full day... so we got three days worth of work done this week...


We read three chapters of Grandpa's Box and corresponding Bible passages (Ephesians 6:10-20, Genesis 3:1-24 and Genesis 4:1-15), related vocabulary (traitor, warfare, and memorial), reviewed a bit of geography, and researched Coat of Arms and she designed her own coat of arms and shield.

In her independent history study she worked through a bit of Draw and Write Through History. She drew and colored plants and trees and a dinosaur (a big accomplishment because she does not like to draw or color!) and did her first cursive copywork.

Poetry / Language Arts:

This year is focused on the poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson. The first poem is "The Swing." She was able to practice her creative writing by "rewriting" the poem to fit what she would see while swinging in our yard. She also learned that RLS was a sickly child and longed to be able to go outside and play as he described in the poem. For Grammar we are working through Rod and Staff: Beginning Wisely, and she has completed the first four lessons.


Singapore 3A :) The beginning is a nice easy change of pace from the end of 2B... This week was focused on thousands place value and greater/less than. A breath of fresh air!

Bible Study:

Bible Study this year is working through Psalms. This week was Psalm 1:1-2. She memorized it, learned about moods/emotions, and had her first Quiet Time lesson :)

The first book she is studying through in science is One Small Square: Arctic Tundra. She completed a notebooking page on where the tundra is located and learned about the Arctic Hare and the Ptarmigan. She learned that a ptarmigan's foot acts as a snowshoe, and she learned what a snowshoe is ;)

All in all, it was a nice, successful week. We love the pacing and the content of this new guide.

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